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Plan your trip | Myanmar 1st Vineyard Estate

Plan your trip

In planning your trip to Aythaya Vineyard from the Heho airport or Inle Lake, the easiest approach is to ask a taxi driver at the airport or in Nyaung Shwe (Northern edge of the Lake). They all know the location of Aythaya village and its famous vineyard. A return trip by taxi is very affordable. If you want to combine the visit of the vineyard with another local destination, we can help arrange a taxi, car rental or private tour. Alternatively, you can contact a travel agent in Nyaungshwe or ask your Hotel to organize a trip to Khaku and 'Sunset Dinner' at the vineyard in Aythaya.

Here are some travel agencies in Nyaung Shwe which can assist with planning a trip to Aythaya Vineyard and a guided tour to nearby destinations: 
    • Golden Trip Travel & Tours, Yaung Gyi Street, Tel: +95-81- 209411, Nyaung Shwe 
    • Asian Trail Travel & Tours, Strand Rd. Win Yat., Tel: +95-81- 209109, Nyaung Shwe

Contact Information

Myanmar Vineyard Estate Co.,Ltd.
Unit (1-3), Aung San Stadium (North Wing),
Gyo Phyu Road, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone: (+95-1) 249122, 253251, 240251 Ext: 114,115

Current Php Version: 7.3.33



Aythaya Vineyard – Htone Bo
Aythaya – Taunggyi, Southern Shan States
Phone: (+95 – 81) 20 86 53, 20 85 48

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